- 20230618: written on the last day of broadcast at Terschelling
- 20230622: new information on FM antenna ground issues
Equipment Needs
Major Components:
- FM: Antenna
- FM: Transmitter
- Wireless Audio: Receiver
- Wireless Audio: Transmitter
- Mixer: Zoom H6 with SD card
- Mics: 3 Rhode lavalier, 1 ambient
- Macbook
- Ipad
|+++++++++++++++++| |+++++++++++++++|
| Sirio 88-108Mhz | | PocketFM |
| | | |
| N-connector|——–|BNC-connector |
^ | DC-Power|—-100Watt_Cable—-[AC]
| | Audio out RCA |
L400-coaxcable—-‘ L\ /R
| <–rca to stereo cable
L/ \R
| Denon DN202WR |
| |
| internal limiter control |
| DC-Power|–[AC]
| 2.4Ghz receiver |
| Denon DN202WT |
| |
| 2.4Ghz transmitter |
| DC-Power|–[AC]
| Audio in Stereo |
L\ /R
| <–rca to stereo to
| mini-jack cable
|++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++| |
| Zoom H6 | |
| Line OUT mini-jack|–‘
.———|Mic 1 XLR (red) |
| .——-|Mic 2 XLR (ambient) |
| | .—–|Mic 3 XLR (yellow) | | MACBOOK |
| | | .—|Mic 4 XLR (blue) | |+++++++++++|
| | | | | LR Attachment mini-jack (macbook)|———– |Stereo-out |
| | | | | Isodora |
| | | | <— xlr cables | wifi |
| | | | |
| | | `—[Rhode-XLR-to-Micro-jack]—[Rhode-Mic] ((wireless))
| | | |
| | `—–[Rhode-XLR-to-Micro-jack]—[Rhode-Mic] | IPAD |
| | |+++++++++++++++|
| `——-[Senheiser-Mic] | Touchosc app |
| | Simple layout |
These steps build up in a specific order, where after each step we test the setup before moving to the next step
- Setup FM transmission
- Setup Isodora controller
- Setup H6 mixer
Check you have:
- PocketFM
alternative: FM 15-25watt transmitter such as those by - PocketFM 100watt power cord
- Sirio GP 87-108Mhz LB N-Connector Antenna
alternative: tunable Sirio GP FM antenne FM GPA 66-108 - L400 cable with N-connector’s
alternative: generic RG-58 50-ohm cable - N-to-BNC converter (antenna is N, PocketFM is BNC)
- A simple FM Radio to test with
- (optional) Denon 2.4Ghz audio transmitter and receiver
- Never turn on PocketFM without antenna connected.
- Turn transmit power to 0 when storing, as caution
- Setup Antenna
- Insulate antenna brackets from the pole/mast to avoid a situation where pole is already grounded and causes a problematic electrical loop. (see issues section). Or try to avoid putting on poles with other antenna types that require pole grounding.
- Make sure to put on pole that does not have other antennas.
- connect to Pocket FM
- Connect your audio player or source audio to the RCA input of PocketFM
- On PocketFM
- enter User Interface. Password: 000000
- Change input to Analog
- Change FM Frequency to desired frequency
- Change Power to 12% which is around 2-3 watt
- Change Station Name (difficult to do, leave it to end)
- Check with your test FM radio receiver
- If you want to connect Analog audio remotely then setup the Denon transmitter and receiver
- In Terschelling PocketFM had power reflection issues. Powering transmitter more than 3watt would caust analog audio to cut out. Internal or stream/digital audio would still work. Powering transmitter more then 10watt would create up to 10% reflection. Thus 10watt power would show a reflection of 1watt (or 10% of total power). Normally reflection should never be more then 4% of total power. Above 10watt even internal/digital audio would cut out. This issue did not appear when testing in amsterdam. In amsterdam: observed that analog would stay on but get very noisy above 2.5watt. Internal would stay clean up until and passed 10watt (50% total power). With 10watts internal audio there was only 0.3watt reflection, well within limits. Even at 15watt 100% internal audio was clean with only 0.3w reflection. We do notice though that 100% power only gives 13watt and 80% 12watt and 60% 12watt. So above 60 it seems there is little change.
Solutions:- (20230622) Likely put antenna on pole that was grounded. This suspected because pole had another antenna that may have required grounding. This ground loop back could damage transmitter.
Check you have:
- Macbook with Isodora
- Isodora sketch and files
- iPad
- Ipad
- Connect Ipad to wifi
- make note of Ipad IP address, we need it on macbook isodora sketch
- Start TouchOSC app
- Select Simple layout
- Set the IP address of the server in touchossc to the IP address of the macbook
- Macbook:
- Run isodora sketch and start some interview or sample audio
- The sketch has a controller window with buttons. Click Start
- Check you have audio coming out
- Set TouchOscIp in the sketch found in top left, to the IP address of the Ipad
- Check that the ipad can start and stop the audio
Zoom H6 Mixer
Check you have:
- Zoom H6 with attachment
- USB micro-usb power
- SD Card
- 3 to 4 XLR cables for mics
- 3 Rhodes lavlier mics
- 3 to 4 Rhode XLR to Stereo converters
- 1 ambient mic
- Connect Zoom H6 attachment
- Connect Stereo cable between H6 attachment and Macbook headphone jac
- Connect mics
- [red] co-host
- Rhode lavalier mic with [red] tape goes into stereo extension cable
- extension goes into rhode xlr to stereo connector
- xlr connects between rhode converter and H6
- [yellow] host
- Rhode lavalier mic with [yellow] tape goes into into rhode xlr to stereo connector
- xlr connects between rhode converter and H6
- [blue] guest
- Rhode lavalier mic with [yellow] tape goes into into rhode xlr to stereo connector
- xlr connects between rhode converter and H6
- Turn on Zoom H6
- Check levels of Macbook input and mics
- Check that the SD card is inside and Zoom shows a folder name on user interface